Adobe Captivate 6 User Manual Pdf카테고리 없음 2020. 11. 26. 19:15
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- Adobe Captivate 6 User Manual Pdf File
- Adobe Captivate 6 User Manual Pdf 2 10
Screen captures using Adobe Captivate, a learner viewing your published lesson on a display using a lower display resolution (such as 1024x768) may be forced to scroll significantly to see the action you recorded. Prior to recording screen actions, I’d. Adobe Captivate 6: The Essentials,.
Create high-definition product demos with a new capture-as-a-videoworkflow. Preview them instantly and publish them to YouTube, socialmedia (Twitter, Facebook), or as MP4 files. Use the edit mode to enhanceyour videos with Pan and Zoom effects, or add more objects and Picture-In-Picturevideos (PIP). Also, add or edit mouse paths and points that you recordedin the video. See Creatingvideo projects for more information.
Publish your Adobe Captivate projects in HTML5 format for useon devices such as iPad and iPhones. See Publishprojects as HTML5 files for more information.
Spend less time and effort to liven up your courses. Choose from attractive, professionally designed themes that blend backgrounds, styles, fonts, and layouts. Apply them within and across projects to maintain a consistent look and feel. You can also customize themes to suit your requirements. For more information, see Themes.
Add a wide range of shapes, including circles, rectangles, triangles,callouts, arrows, lines, banners, and flowchart symbols, to your eLearningcontent. Customize them and convert them into buttons. For more information,see Smartshapes.
Add a new dimension to text, images, and even videos using reflections. See Add reflection to objects for more information.
Group a set of smart shapes, images, or other objects so that you can work with them collectively. Resize, rotate, time, flip, move, or format all the objects in the group as if they were a single object. See Group objects for more information.
Insert text hyperlinks to direct learners to other sectionsof the course or external sources for more information. See Inserthyperlinks for more information.
Improve the appearance and readability of text by addingmargins and custom bullets.
Power neb compressor nebulizer 18080 user manual free. Use pre-tests to assess the knowledge, skill level, or training needs of individual learners. Based on the results, direct learners to the appropriate section, and quiz them at the end to gauge what they have learned. See Insert pretests for more information.
Assign a score to each correct option when a question has more than one correct answer. Discourage guesswork by penalizing learners for wrong answers. See Multiple-choice question slides and Quiz properties for more information.
Make eLearning content more effective and improve the percentage of successful outcomes using the all-new remedial workflow. When answering a quiz question incorrectly, let learners revisit the relevant section, understand the concept correctly, and retry the question. See Allow users to return to quiz for more information.
Enhanced integration with SCORM and AICC compliantLMSs
Download 1992 25hp johnson repair manual. Publish your courses effortlessly to leading LMSs such asMoodle, Blackboard, and Saba, rest assured that your scoring datawill integrate smoothly with your LMS. See Learningmanagement system (LMS) for more information.
User Manual Pdf Download
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Adobe Captivate 6 User Manual Pdf File
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